Our Purpose
The purpose of every believer (at AFGT) is to Love, Obey, and Worship God the Father, in Spirit and Truth, through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Mission
The Mission of AFGT is to evangelize through corporate and personal witness and to teach obedience to God through discipleship.
AFGT's Vision
We at Andalusia Full Gospel Tabernaclehave an inspiring vision for our church and community to reach out to our community. We feel that God has ordained us to work here in this area and we also believe that God is blessing us in our journey to fulfill the mission he has provided for us.
We envision AFGT providing not only a great place to worship our Lord and Savior, but a place of peace and the ability to know God better. We set our goals and our standards high to achieve only the best for our Lord and Savior and strive to follow his examples and teachings according to the Bible.
AFGT has a vision that every person in the local county, and extending to other counties, be saved. We strive to reach out to the lost and uplift the saved; to encourage and not discourage our fellow man; to provide teachings and lessons ordained by God and in concordance with his Word.