AFGT Missions
AFGT Missions launched with our first missions trip to Sigatoka, Fiji in May 2018. Our team was a part crusade events that involved hundreds of people from different villages. From ministering in schools to training local pastors our AFGT missions team was deeply impacted as they made themselves available to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Crusades in Sigatoka, Qeleni, and Wairiki were a tremendous success seeing souls saved, sick bodies healed, and the local church uplifted! We were able to provide chicken pulao for all in attendance at the Wairiki Crusade and a traditional Fijian lavo for our local pastors and church leaders. The fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ was so refreshing!
During our visit in May, we were presented with 50 acres of land to use for ministry purposes! When the use of this land was given to us, we did not yet see the vision of what would be possible! We are pleased to announce our Fiji Farm Project! We will be planting this 50 acres, with the assistance and oversight of local farmers, with several varieties of Fijian produce and crops!
This project will provide work for local Fijians in desperate need of work, food for impoverished families, and funds to support our ministry there!
We have also been approached by the local church with several church planting projects! We have been led to three locations where we can build churches! These locations are in villages where they have NO access to a Christian church! Moving forward, we intend to train local ministers, provide them with resources, and send them into these villages to plant new churches in areas across Fiji!
We have also received our approval from The Fijian government to begin building Rainbow Vale! Rainbow Vale will be a children’s home operating in Sigatoka, under the direction of Rose of Sharon Church! We plan to begin excavation and building as soon as it is possible.